Special Black Teas
Distinctively different new tea offerings from China and Taiwan. The tea leaves are larger, have a bigger aroma, brew a little lighter liquor, seem slightly sweeter, and explode with goodness in your mouth.
Hearty, creamy Assam teas grow in the foothills of Northeastern India. Heavier and maltier than many other types of tea, the Assam’s strength of flavor supports the addition of lemon or milk. Assam teas are great breakfast teas.
Ceylon, the colonial name for the island of Sri Lanka, is the third largest tea producing area in the world. Ceylon teas are what many Americans think of as “tea.” Because Ceylon teas are full flavored and brisk, milk can be added.
China Black Teas

Famous distinctive black teas from China. Customers cherish the smooth honey-like Yunnans and the almost spicy Panyongs. Keemuns are the "red teas" of China, often called the burgundy of teas. They cup a rich dark liquor and provide a smooth, mellow tea experience. Lapsang Souchongs are dried over tamarack pine fires. The smoky aroma of the fire permeates the tea leaves.
Classic Blends
Welcome to our popular traditional blends. Estate quality black teas are artfully blended to make these coveted offerings. There is even a rare Japanese black tea blend of two different varietals.
Darjeeling teas are grown in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in the northeastern part of India between Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. Connoisseurs call Darjeeling tea, with its characteristic dryness and muscat overtones, the “Champagne of Teas.”
Decaffinated Teas
Decaffeinated teas have been decaffeinated by the CO2 process.
Earl Greys

The story goes that when the tea arrived in London after six to eight months on a ship, it smelled musty which was unpleasing to the British so they refused it. For the next shipment the Chinese mixed the tea with bergamot to cover the smell of its long journey. When presented to the Earl of Grey, this new tea received his approval and has been called by his name ever since.
Flavored Black Teas
Strong rich black teas blended with exquisite oils and spices to tickle your fancy.
Nilgiri teas come from the famous Blue Mountain area of southern India. Teas from South India are the horticultural grandparents of the teas now grown in Ceylon. They are known for their pleasing fragrance.
Pu Erhs
The Chinese have hailed Pu Erh tea for centuries as an aid to digestion. Current medical tests have indicated its effectiveness in reducing cholesterol, giving credence to the Chinese tradition of drinking Pu Erh after a heavy, fat-laden meal. The large-leafed tea trees in Yunnan that produce the tea are closely related to the ancient tea plant of preglacial times.