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Pumpkin Pie in a Cup (Seasonal Tea)


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There is nothing quite like a Perfect Pumpkin Pie. Our perfect Pumpkin Pie in a cup features subtle notes of real pumpkin cubes, spice and richness into one decadent spiced herbal tea blend. 

Ingredients: Pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric root, cinnamon rods, cloves, cardamom, pink pepper, natural flavor

Hot Brewing Instructions
  1. Use 1.5 to 2  teaspoons of tea per 6 ounces of water.
  2. Bring water to a 205° (just under a boil)
  3. Pour over leaves; steep for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Remove leaves from tea.
  5. Enjoy hot or cold!

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