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Green Jewels from Japan


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With 108 different varietals of Camellia Sinensis (tea plant) used in Japan to produce different teas, there are subtle differences to experience from one finished tea to another.  
At your leisure, sample and compare some of our long time favorites against three new Japanese green teas from Yame,
Uji Sencha JG688 and Yame Okuhikari Sencha JG715 - 9 grams of each
Kukicha Supreme JG658 and Yame Gyokuro Kukicha JG716 - 5 grams of each
Yame Gyokuro Imperial JG684 and Yame Gyokuro Imperial Select JG718 -15 grams of each

2 Senchas, 2 Gyokuros and 2 Kukichas.  Three servings of each.
Includes a "Drink more tea" dino sticker and cupping guide.

Ingredients: Japan Green tea


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