Store Hours Monday-Friday 10am to 6pm. Saturday 10am to 5pm.

Gold Sprouting Green



One of Anhui's famous spring teas, Huang Jin Ya , "means yellow gold sprouting".  What a beautiful name.  The leaves are quite striking and unusual in appearance.  They are very yellow.  The brewed tea follows with gentle sweet notes.  One of the favorites at the staff cupping.

Ingredients: China green tea

Brewing Instructions
  1. Use 2 rounded teaspoons of tea per 6 ounces of water.
  2. Bring water to 185° F.
  3. Pour over leaves; steep for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove leaves from tea.
  5. Enjoy!
  6. Reinfuse 3-4 times, increasing time by 50% each infusion.

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