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Yame Premium Matcha


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NEW Our Japanese Matcha supplier called and said, "You need to try this matcha.  It has a distinct taste and I can't get enough of it"  We tried and agree!  Everyone tastes slightly differently.  This one has been hard for us to describe what makes it so memorable.  Not as creamy as our Uji senchas, but seems a little sweeter.  Nicely covers the whole mouth and even though a serving is only 1/4 cup, it seems your mouth is experiencing it for long after you finish. A blend of Okumidori (main) with Saemidori, Tsuyuhikari, Okuyutaka, and Yabukita varieties. 28g tin
Ingredients: Japanese green tea


Brewing Instructions

  1. Put 1 teaspoon Matcha in a large bowl.
  2. Pour 1/4 cup water at 190° F into bowl.
  3. Stir quickly in an "M" motion with a bamboo whisk until frothy. 
  4. Enjoy!

Note: Tin color may vary. If there is a preference, please put in the notes


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